In an unexpected announcement, boygenius, the acclaimed trio consisting of Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, and Lucy Dacus, has revealed a surprise EP titled ‘the rest.’ This exciting news follows their electrifying performance of the EP’s opening track, “Black Hole,” at a sold-out Boston show earlier this evening. ‘the rest’ is set to drop on October 13th, courtesy of Interscope Records, and features four tracks that build upon the success of their critically acclaimed debut full-length record.
Produced collaboratively by boygenius, along with Tony Berg, Jake Finch, Ethan Gruska, Calvin Lauber, Collin Pastore, and Marshall Vore, ‘the rest’ continues to shine a spotlight on the trio’s exceptional songwriting prowess and distinctive musical style.
As anticipation builds for the EP’s release, fans can now pre-order “The Rest” by visiting this link.
boygenius has kicked off the fall leg of their tour with an electrifying performance at the MGM Music Hall at Fenway in Boston, the first of two shows in the city. The tour will take them to various cities, including New Haven at the Westville Music Bowl and Philadelphia at the TD Pavilion at The Mann. The highlight of the tour is their Madison Square Garden debut on October 2nd, followed by a special Halloween event at the iconic Hollywood Bowl on October 31st. This Halloween extravaganza will feature special guests MUNA, Samia, and Palehound, along with a unique performance with 100 gecs and special guest Sloppy Jane.
Stay tuned for ‘the rest,’ as boygenius continues to captivate audiences with their musical innovation and captivating performances.